30 of a few things
Reminder no class on Monday, July 4th….
WOD: 30 Push Press 65/45, 30 Ring Dip, 30 box jumps, Run
800m, 30 goblet squats, 30 Russian swings, 30 Burpees ( start at either the top
or the bottom)
Challenge: skin the cat work
Play: Fundamentals
Crossfit Bend Oregon
WOD: 30 Push Press 65/45, 30 Ring Dip, 30 box jumps, Run
800m, 30 goblet squats, 30 Russian swings, 30 Burpees ( start at either the top
or the bottom)
Challenge: skin the cat work
Play: Fundamentals
Crossfit Bend Oregon
Coaches Choice for the wod…… Reminder no class on MONDAY July 4th.
Crossfit Bend Oregon
Crossfit Bend Oregon
6 rounds
WOD: 6 Rounds, 15 SDLHP 95/65 15 abmat sit- ups
Challenge: elevated foot planks (partners or weights can be
used to elevate the feet) 1 Max effort, then 2 minutes total time in an
elevated plank
Play: stretch
Oregon Crossfit will be closed on Monday July 4th.
Crossfit Bend Oregon
Challenge: elevated foot planks (partners or weights can be
used to elevate the feet) 1 Max effort, then 2 minutes total time in an
elevated plank
Play: stretch
Oregon Crossfit will be closed on Monday July 4th.
Crossfit Bend Oregon
7 rounds of 1 and 35
WOD: For time and weight, 7 rounds, 1 Power clean, and 35
Challenge: 12 mins to work on any gymnastic movement, M/U,
Skin the cat, Planche Push up, HSPU, rope climb, t2b, k2e, whatever you want.
Play: Stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon
100 wall balls then 100 DL’s
Please register for Fight Gone Bad 6 here http://sportsgrants.org/fgb6/ I laid down the challenge, 100 people registered by August 28th for Team Oregon Crossfit and I will do 100 burpee tire flips. Anybody can register friends, family, whatever just get to 100 people and I will pay up.
Also Oregon Crossfit will be hosting the Oregon Summer Games August 27th and 28th. We are really excited about this event and are working hard already trying to secure an outdoor location. Registration will open next week. If you are not interested in competing but would like to volunteer/judge please email me @ seanwells10@hotmail.com. The more help the better. Thanks.
WOD: 100 Wall balls, then 100 Med Ball Deadlifts
Challenge: 5×3 Deadlift
Play: Fundamental/stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon
Also Oregon Crossfit will be hosting the Oregon Summer Games August 27th and 28th. We are really excited about this event and are working hard already trying to secure an outdoor location. Registration will open next week. If you are not interested in competing but would like to volunteer/judge please email me @ seanwells10@hotmail.com. The more help the better. Thanks.
WOD: 100 Wall balls, then 100 Med Ball Deadlifts
Challenge: 5×3 Deadlift
Play: Fundamental/stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon
a few lunges
WOD: 400m walking lunges (scale up by doing 5 push ups every 5 steps)
Challenge: 3×5 Shoulder Press
Play: not enough time
Challenge: 3×5 Shoulder Press
Play: not enough time
Crossfit Bend Oregon
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