Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crossfit growth for 2011

There was a statement released saying crossfit is going to grow by 100x in 2011. Here's the link see what you think!
turkey trot

Here's the crew at the Bend Turkey Trot. Nice work!

CrossFit Endurance Pose running TheFall

Oregon Crossfit WOD

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
21 Box Jumps (24″)
12 Overhead Squats (95/65)
Challenge: 200 sit ups
Play: 20 one arm snatches (20 each arm) for load not for time. Use DB/KB
Last day to Refer a Friend and get $99.00.  Also new classes start tomorrow DEC. 1 including the gymnastic/body weight class and KB/DUMBELL class, if you have questions about any of these classes you can email me at seanwells10@hotmail.com or talk to any coach.  This is a great time to change from your 3 day a week membership to an unlimited membership so you have more opportunity to take these new classes.
****Reminder: DEC. 11 our Grand Opening in our new facility.****
****Reminder please sign up for classes every time you want to train.  If you are put on a waiting list for class you can show up but please be understanding if you have to adjust your workout for those who signed up first.  Thanks******
 Happy Birthday Katy our OCT student of the month

Monday, November 29, 2010

WOD: “Fran” 21-15-9 95/65 Thrusters and pull-ups
Challenge: 40 superman, 80 situps, 120 flutter kicks
Play: snatch grip deadlift 3×10
Nice job to everybody who ran the turkey trot.  Check the results here http://www.eclecticedgeracing2.com/uploads/2010_BEND_TURKEY_TROT_RESULTS.pdfhttp://www.eclecticedgeracing2.com/uploads/2010_BEND_TURKEY_TROT_RESULTS.pdf  Thanks Paul for sending me the link.  I think this is the list of the people who ran:Amanda, Katy, Jonna, Carrie, Chasity, Kendra, Honore, Guy, Patrick,& Paul.  Let me know if I missed you.  Reminder the grand opening for our new facility is DEC 11.  We will be having a WOD and breakfast, everybody is welcome.  The fliers are at the box so feel free to pass them out to your friends and family.
Please continue to sign up for classes.  The new schedule starts on Wednesday, Dec. 1. So it shouldn’t be a problem finding a class that fits your schedule and isn’t full.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bend Turkey Trot

Please join Coach(s) Jonna and Carrie on Thanksgiving morning for a 5k or 10k run. The fun starts at 9 and the run takes place through the old mill. This is a great way to check your time for your levels. Go to http://www.bendturkeytrot.com/
to sign up($20). This event will help support “Deschutes County Girls On the Run”. This is a great way to start your pre-Thanksgiving festivities, We hope you will join us!
Check out the website, it looks like fun:)