WOD: 21-15-9 Burpees, KB/DB Deadlift, and KB/DB Push Press
Challenge: 1 min on each hand of 1 arm KB Swings. Rest 1 min
and repeat.
Play: Stretch
Don’t be lazy like Amos, get your butts
WOD: 3 rounds, 10 OH Squats 95/65, 20 Power cleans 95/66
Challenge: 3 minutes of total time in an L-sit, Knee
tuck. 12 minutes to complete task.
Play: Stretch
WOD: 20 Min Amrap, Run 400m, 7 m/u (scale muscle ups, by doing progressions)
Challenge: 50 Box jumps for time
Play: Tabata Lunge(scale up by doing jumping lunges)
WOD: 12 min AMRAP, 5 Thrusters 95/65, 10 D/u, 5 Burpees
5 mins rest(stretch)
WOD2: Perform on the minute every minute 2 Dead Hang Pull
up, 5 T2b for 20 Mins
WOD: “Schmalls” Run 800m, 2 Rounds of 50 Burpees, 40
Pull-ups, 30 Pistols, 20 KB Swings 1.5/1 pood, 10 HSPU, and then Run final 800m
Please join us in honoring GySgt Justin Schmalstieg (KIA Dec 15, 2010), he was a student at Oceanside Crossfit.
Here is a video:
WOD: 10-1 Ring Push-up, and dead lifts 185/135
Challenge: Coaches Choice
Play: Coaches Choice
WOD: “Mary” Amrap 20mins 5 HSPU, 10 Pistols (alternate
legs), 15 Pull-ups
Challenge: 3×3 Front-squat
Play: Fundamentals/stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon
Challenge: Coaches Choice
Play: Coaches Choice
WOD: “Mary” Amrap 20mins 5 HSPU, 10 Pistols (alternate
legs), 15 Pull-ups
Challenge: 3×3 Front-squat
Play: Fundamentals/stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon