Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2011 Oregon Games

When: January 22,2011 9am-6pm
Where: OREGON CROSSFIT Bend, Oregon
Oregon CrossFit is proud to host the 2011 Oregon games. Get ready for 2011 competition with our pre-sectional event.
  • Guarantee of 3 WOD’s, up to 5 WOD’s upon standings.
  • Open to all levels.
  • WOD’s will be scalable, but only the rx’s will move on to final event.
  • 1 day schedule, so out of town CF’ers can enjoy the local fun & snow.
  • Level 1 Certified judges.
  • Social Hour hosted by “10 BARREL BREWING CO.” following final WOD.
Please register on our site:
  1. go to:
  2. click on seminars tab
  3. click on ‘sign up now’ for 2011 oregon games.
The total cost is $25 payable at time of registration.
After completion of registration, an email will be sent to you with all pertinent information, places to stay, eat, what to equipment/clothes to bring etc…. We will also send a link to a video for the standards for each particular WOD.
Call: 541.647.4019
Our Location:
555 NW Arizona Suite #50
Bend, OR 97702

The Future Of Summit Football

These kids are going to be tough!

Crossfit Quotes

Motivational Crossfit Quote
 CrossFit is like fine art – critiqued by many but understood by few 

"I'm a fitness whore, I don't care how you feel, only about performance."

“What good is it to look like Tarzan and play like Jane?” -John Welborn, CF Football

"Stick to the basics and when you feel you've mastered them it's time to start all over again, begin anew - again with the basics - this time paying closer attention."

"CrossFit is in large part derived from several simple observations garnered through hanging out with athletes for thirty years and willingness, if not eagerness, to experiment coupled with a total disregard for conventional wisdom.

"Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error."

"CrossFit is open-source fitness technology."

"I am having Snatch envy" Jen watching Tim's Snatch

"We are practicing not weightlifting but commitment. Commitment spawns success. Only by redoubling our efforts do we best succeed. Expecting success to motivate our efforts is the loser's gambit."

"Morning walks are *** and you should be using that time to get in an extra hour of sleep."

Cross fit Quote
"Cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, strength, power, speed, flexibility, agility, accuracy, balance, and coordination: you're as good as your weakest link."

“Look again…it’s not a chip on my shoulder, it’s a stone”

"Does your workout make you nervous?…It should"

"Training for a fight by running twenty minutes everyday makes perfect sense if you plan on running away from your opponent and know you will be getting a ten minute headstart."

"No, it doesn't ever get any easier. You wouldn't want it to either."

This is not heavy enough, give me more!" Bonnie

" OCD=Obsessive CrossFit Disorder" 


WOD: Snatch 95/65 one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes, gain weight every round if you so desired
Challenge: 4×100m row
Play: Tabata sit ups
Gymnastic WOD: 150 Jump rope singles or 75 d/u, 10 broad jumps, 10 squat thrusts, 3 rounds
Challenge: Handstand pushup work
Play: Muscle up progressions

Monday, December 27, 2010

Foot zone and Lulu

Paleo Challenge

Join us the first week in Jan. to start the paleo challenge.
Info TBA!!!

Here we go!

Hope everybody had a great christmas.  Time to get back in the box and work hard before new years.
WOD: 1 set for max reps of Back Squats at your body weight then:
Max Rounds in 3 minutes of:
5 Thruster’s @ 155#’s (obviously scalable)
10 Burpees
Rest 1 minute then repeat 3x
Challenge: 200 walking lunge steps for time
Play: ab work coaches choice

Gymnastic Class:
WOD: 10-1 Ring push ups and  Leg ups
Challenge: L-sit on p-bars 3×5
Play: 25 Kipping swings

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gotta LOVE this!!!

CFLA GYM RULES1. Arrive early and stay late. Cheer, clap, and encourage others. Anything less is to cheat yourself of the experience, and to rob others of the gift of your presence and support as part of the community. Besides, if you're late, it's 10 burpees per minute.

2. If you forget to sign in, it's 50 burpees. And regarding any burpee incentives... you may cry and whine all you want, as long as we can hear you counting.

3. Accidents and injuries happen and usually come as a result of impatience. Don't be greedy. Slow down. Ask questions. Ask for help. Check your ego at the door.

4. EMPTY barbells were not designed to be dropped (neither were dumbbells or kettlebells). We don't want our toys, our rubber flooring, you, or someone else broken unnecessarily.

5. Chalk is useful, even necessary. It is also messy. Use as much as you need, but keep the excess inside the chalk bucket because all the extra dust keeps breaking our vacuum cleaner!

6. Clean up and put away all equipment after each workout. Clean up sweat, spit, blood, chalk, dirt, vomit, handprints, and whatever else you've left behind.

7. Grunting, screaming, cussing and otherwise making noise are all welcome and encouraged during a workout. There is such a thing as gentle, quiet strength, although most of us haven't mastered that yet. Also remember that there can be such a thing as too loud, crass, gross, or rude - please be respectful.

SheDaisy - Santa's Got A Brand New Bag - Christmas 2000

3 days left :)

Two more days until the canned food drive is done.  Keep bringing stuff in. Holiday schedule is no classes on 12/25, 12/26, and 1/1/.
****Just want to clarify for everybody that coaches will show up and coach class if there is somebody signed up for the class at least 1 HOUR before the class starts.  If you know your not going to be able to make the class please cancel at least 1 HOUR before the class starts.  Thanks***

WOD: 5 rounds
10 Overhead squats 95/65
10 toes to bar
Challenge: 5 min amrap, 10 mtn climbers, 10 sit ups
Play: Handstand hold for time.

Gymnastic Class  WOD: Go to support on rings, turn rings 45 degrees, do twenty dips total with rings held at 45 degrees, not for time but form
Challenge: 5 min amrap 10 air squats, 10 burpees
Play: Bar Muscle up Progressions

Monday, December 20, 2010


To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.
-- Oren Arnold


Please continue to bring food in to the box for our food drive.  We will be closed for the holidays on 12/25, 12/26, and 1/1.

Monday, Dec 20

WOD: 21-15-9
Pull-ups (chest to bar)
Row 500 meters one time at the end of the wod.
Challenge: 3×10 snatch grip deadlift
Play: 200 air squats for time(teams of 4) only one person working at a time.

Gymnastic WOD: 1 min handstand hold on p-bars, 25 strict K2E, 50 Mtn Climbers, 100 Jumping Jacks
Challenge: 30 L-sit pull ups(break up the reps as necessary)
Play: 5 mins of jump rope for reps.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday Night

We are placing the t-shirt order today so email us your information or come in and get it taken care of.  If you are interested in speeding up your recovery we have progenex still.  It really does help the recovery process.
WOD: As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 walking Lunges w/ 45# plate overhead
10 burpees
1 Dead hang pullup
 Challenge: 4 Min amrap, 4 Supine Ring Pull-ups, 8 45# overhead squats
Play: Tabata sit-ups
Gymnastic Class:
WOD: 7 Rounds, 2 Dead Hang Pullups, 4 Pistols, 6 super mans
Challenge: 25 Body Blasters
Play: Wall Sits

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crossfit growth for 2011

There was a statement released saying crossfit is going to grow by 100x in 2011. Here's the link see what you think!
turkey trot

Here's the crew at the Bend Turkey Trot. Nice work!

CrossFit Endurance Pose running TheFall

Oregon Crossfit WOD

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
21 Box Jumps (24″)
12 Overhead Squats (95/65)
Challenge: 200 sit ups
Play: 20 one arm snatches (20 each arm) for load not for time. Use DB/KB
Last day to Refer a Friend and get $99.00.  Also new classes start tomorrow DEC. 1 including the gymnastic/body weight class and KB/DUMBELL class, if you have questions about any of these classes you can email me at or talk to any coach.  This is a great time to change from your 3 day a week membership to an unlimited membership so you have more opportunity to take these new classes.
****Reminder: DEC. 11 our Grand Opening in our new facility.****
****Reminder please sign up for classes every time you want to train.  If you are put on a waiting list for class you can show up but please be understanding if you have to adjust your workout for those who signed up first.  Thanks******
 Happy Birthday Katy our OCT student of the month

Monday, November 29, 2010

WOD: “Fran” 21-15-9 95/65 Thrusters and pull-ups
Challenge: 40 superman, 80 situps, 120 flutter kicks
Play: snatch grip deadlift 3×10
Nice job to everybody who ran the turkey trot.  Check the results here  Thanks Paul for sending me the link.  I think this is the list of the people who ran:Amanda, Katy, Jonna, Carrie, Chasity, Kendra, Honore, Guy, Patrick,& Paul.  Let me know if I missed you.  Reminder the grand opening for our new facility is DEC 11.  We will be having a WOD and breakfast, everybody is welcome.  The fliers are at the box so feel free to pass them out to your friends and family.
Please continue to sign up for classes.  The new schedule starts on Wednesday, Dec. 1. So it shouldn’t be a problem finding a class that fits your schedule and isn’t full.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bend Turkey Trot

Please join Coach(s) Jonna and Carrie on Thanksgiving morning for a 5k or 10k run. The fun starts at 9 and the run takes place through the old mill. This is a great way to check your time for your levels. Go to
to sign up($20). This event will help support “Deschutes County Girls On the Run”. This is a great way to start your pre-Thanksgiving festivities, We hope you will join us!
Check out the website, it looks like fun:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010