Tuesday, April 19, 2011

a few cleans

Tuesday, April 19

WOD: Progressive cleans power/squat, 1 the 1st min, 2 the 2nd min, 3 the 3rd min…. and so on 135/95
Challenge: 100 Hollow Rocks for work not time…. concentrate on form
Play: stretch
Crossfit Bend  Oregon

Monday, April 18, 2011

Team fun with a deck of cards

Monday, April 18

WOD: Teams of 2: Two teams share 1 deck of cards and complete these four movements, Joker-400m run, Hearts-Push ups, Diamonds-Air Squats, Spades-Burpees, Clubs-Pull-ups 
Challenge: 5 mins for max handstand pushups, or Handstand walks
Play: Stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Tuesday, April 12

WOD: 100 ground to overhead passing thru a squat. 75/55. Most efficient way is to squat-clean to thruster, or a squat snatch.  I m not doing this to be mean I had it programmed before the sectionals wod from last week came out.  Should feel really light compared to that though.
Challenge: 50 Leg-ups, 25 Sit ups, 50 superman, 25 V- up, 50 sit ups
Play: speed ladder
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Crossfit Sectional WOD 3

Wednesday, April 6

WOD: WEEK 3 Crossfit Open WOD, 5 minutes, 165/110 of squat clean to overhead.  Here are the standards….
Challenge: 3 rounds, 20 Hollow Rock, 20 Sit ups, 20 supermans, 20 second L-sit.
Play: mobility work on hips, shoulders
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Tuesday, April 5

WOD: 3 Rounds, 1 min max reps Supine Ring Pull up, 1 min rest, 1 min OH Lunges 45/25, rest 1 min.
Challenge: Max plank hold (no weight)
Play: Partner 4x250m, rest as your partner rows.
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, April 4, 2011


Monday, April 4

WOD: “ANGIE” 100 of each, pull-ups, pushups, sit-ups, air squats.  Scale appropriately. Games competitors cut in half.  New students talk to a coach about the appropriate level of work. 25 min cap
Challenge: 3×5 DL
Play: shoulder stretches
Crossfit Bend Oregon