Thursday, January 27, 2011
"Food Matters"
What: A community event for OC students to learn about nutrition from the film ”Food Matters”. It will be potluck style, bring a dish to share. There will be a BBQ provided for people to grill their meat. OC will provide the plates, napkins, and plasticware. People need to bring their own drinks as well.
Where: Crown Villa RV Resort
6001 Brosterhous Rd
Clubhouse Lobby
Date: Sat, Feb 5, 5-9pm
Other Details: If people would like to use the steam room they need to bring 2 towels, and a water bottle.
WOD: “Karen”
150 Wall Balls for time
Challenge: 10 mins to practice Double-unders, or complete max d/u in two mins
Play: 50 kipping swings
KB WOD: 3 rounds, 10 KB Snatches, 25 Russian swings, 500m row
Challenge: max weight kb pull-up
Play: 10 Turkish Get-ups each arm
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
We have your Oregon Crossfit t-shirts in. If you pre-ordered, come and pick them up. If you want a shirt or tank top let Travis or I know and we will getcha you one.
WOD: 100 Lateral hops(over the p-bars ), 75 Jumping jacks, 50 sit-ups, 25 Pull-ups, 5 deadlifts 225/185#
Challenge: 5×5 Back Squat
Play: Wall Sit for time
Gymnastic WOD: 100 shoot thrus
Challenge: skin the cats
Play: 1 armpush up work
WOD: 100 Lateral hops(over the p-bars ), 75 Jumping jacks, 50 sit-ups, 25 Pull-ups, 5 deadlifts 225/185#
Challenge: 5×5 Back Squat
Play: Wall Sit for time
Gymnastic WOD: 100 shoot thrus
Challenge: skin the cats
Play: 1 arm
Monday, January 24, 2011
2011 Oregon Games
12 mins then heavy squat
Monday, Jan 24
Thanks again from everybody at Oregon Crossfit who helped volunteer, judge, and for those who competed we couldn’t have put on such a great event without your help. Big thanks to Crossfit Breakthrough, High Desert Crossfit, and the other local crossfits for the use of some of their equipment and for being such great judges. If I forgot you I apologize but thanks. : )
WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Double Unders
Then 5 Mins for Max Back Squat Weight
Challenge: In teams of two with one teammate working at a time complete 100 Box Jumps, 100 Squat thrusts, 100 Overhead Squat(dowel)
Play: Not enough time
Gymnastic Wod:5 rounds, 5 pistols, 5 p-bar push-ups, 15 sit-ups
Challenge: scap pull-ups
Play: Support on rings
Thanks again from everybody at Oregon Crossfit who helped volunteer, judge, and for those who competed we couldn’t have put on such a great event without your help. Big thanks to Crossfit Breakthrough, High Desert Crossfit, and the other local crossfits for the use of some of their equipment and for being such great judges. If I forgot you I apologize but thanks. : )
WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Double Unders
Then 5 Mins for Max Back Squat Weight
Challenge: In teams of two with one teammate working at a time complete 100 Box Jumps, 100 Squat thrusts, 100 Overhead Squat(dowel)
Play: Not enough time
Gymnastic Wod:5 rounds, 5 pistols, 5 p-bar push-ups, 15 sit-ups
Challenge: scap pull-ups
Play: Support on rings
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Tayler!!!
WOD: 3 Rounds
20 Deadlifts 135/95
30 Superman’s
Challenge: Speed Ladder
Play: Max push ups in 2 mins
GYMnastic WOD: 25 Dead hang pull-ups, 100 air squats
Challenge: Handstand Push-up work on P-bars
Play: 250 single jump ropes
WOD: 3 Rounds
20 Deadlifts 135/95
30 Superman’s
Challenge: Speed Ladder
Play: Max push ups in 2 mins
GYMnastic WOD: 25 Dead hang pull-ups, 100 air squats
Challenge: Handstand Push-up work on P-bars
Play: 250 single jump ropes
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Way To Go Carrie!
If your competing cut this WOD in half. The volume is just too much for somebody hoping to be 100% by Saturday. We still need volunteers for the Oregon Games so please continue to sign up at the box.
Trivia Night tonight at 7:30. Meet at Astro lounge for a fun evening of Trivia with fellow Oregon Crossfitters!
Coach Carrie was selected to be in a commercial with her dog Henry for Bend Pet Express. Make sure to look out for her commercial! Congratulations Coach Carrie, you are awesome!
WOD: “Josh”
95/65# OH Squats 21x
42 Pull-ups
OH Squats 15x
30 Pull-ups
OH Squats 9x
18 Pull-ups
Challenge: 20 Turkish Get-ups, 10 Each Arm
Play: 25 burpees and 75 sit ups for time
Trivia Night tonight at 7:30. Meet at Astro lounge for a fun evening of Trivia with fellow Oregon Crossfitters!
Coach Carrie was selected to be in a commercial with her dog Henry for Bend Pet Express. Make sure to look out for her commercial! Congratulations Coach Carrie, you are awesome!
WOD: “Josh”
95/65# OH Squats 21x
42 Pull-ups
OH Squats 15x
30 Pull-ups
OH Squats 9x
18 Pull-ups
Challenge: 20 Turkish Get-ups, 10 Each Arm
Play: 25 burpees and 75 sit ups for time
Monday, January 17, 2011
Workouts Released
Please show up at 8:30am if you are planning on competing at the Oregon Games and are already registered. If your not registered please show up at 8:00am. The first WOD will start at 9:30 am sharp.
Registration will be in the Oregon Crossfit facility, the events 1-4 will be next door.
WOD 1: 5 min amrap of 5 , 95/65# thrusters and 5 Burpees. Only completed sets of 5 reps will count towards your score. EXAMPLE: If a person completes 3 rounds of thrusters and 4 burpees your score would be 3 rounds. No partial rounds of 5. Standards for the thruster are hip crease below the knee, and locked out at the top with visible ear in front of arm. Burpee standard will be clapping overhead at the top of burpee and hands off the ground for a moment at the bottom of the burpee. Similar to the 2009 Crossfit Games style of push up.
WOD 2: 1 min after WOD 1complete 3 minutes of rowing for calories. All of the rowers will be set to the damper setting of 5.
Everybody will get to compete in WODs 3 and 4. So there will only be one cut between the 4th and 5th workouts.
WOD 1: 5 min amrap of 5 , 95/65# thrusters and 5 Burpees. Only completed sets of 5 reps will count towards your score. EXAMPLE: If a person completes 3 rounds of thrusters and 4 burpees your score would be 3 rounds. No partial rounds of 5. Standards for the thruster are hip crease below the knee, and locked out at the top with visible ear in front of arm. Burpee standard will be clapping overhead at the top of burpee and hands off the ground for a moment at the bottom of the burpee. Similar to the 2009 Crossfit Games style of push up.
WOD 2: 1 min after WOD 1
Everybody will get to compete in WODs 3 and 4. So there will only be one cut between the 4th and 5th workouts.
Oregon Games
Please sign up to either volunteer or compete for the Oregon Games. Earlier is better and it is only $25. We tested out the wods today and it should be a really fun competition. If you are going to compete take it easy this week with the wods, I would recommend taking at least Thursday and Friday off. Also the standards for the first two workouts are out. Go to the Oregon games page to see the workouts. : )
WOD: Complete 6 rounds:
10 Walking Barbell Lunges – 35%-40% of 1 RM Squat
2 Max Distance Broad Jumps, after the 6 rounds, max shoulder press in 5 mins immediately after you finish the wod.
Challenge: 3×5 Front squat
Play: Not enough time
Gymnastic WOD: 15 strict muscle ups or muscle up progressions
Challenge: 50 hollow rocks to superman
Play: Pistol work then 50 air squats
WOD: Complete 6 rounds:
10 Walking Barbell Lunges – 35%-40% of 1 RM Squat
2 Max Distance Broad Jumps, after the 6 rounds, max shoulder press in 5 mins immediately after you finish the wod.
Challenge: 3×5 Front squat
Play: Not enough time
Gymnastic WOD: 15 strict muscle ups or muscle up progressions
Challenge: 50 hollow rocks to superman
Play: Pistol work then 50 air squats
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
WOD: “Randy”
75 Power snatches for time 75/55
Challenge: 10 Min amrap, 20 Mtn Climbers, 15 Sit-ups, 10 Superman, 5 Burpees
Play: Muscle Up Progressions
75 Power snatches for time 75/55
Challenge: 10 Min amrap, 20 Mtn Climbers, 15 Sit-ups, 10 Superman, 5 Burpees
Play: Muscle Up Progressions
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Nice Work Collin!
a lil teamwork
Thursday, Jan 13
Challenge: Fundamentals
Play: 50 Power Swings
Information from an unknown source has led me to learn that Collin and Jewell Elementary school have want the STARS award developed by the National Association for Sports and Physical Education NASPE.
STARS is a national recognition program developed and implemented by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). Through the STARS self-study and review process, NASPE identifies and honors physical education programs that model the essential elements for quality physical education and provide meaningful learning opportunities for all students. STARS schools exemplify excellence in teaching students the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed for motor development to achieve movement competency, health-related fitness; and promote lifelong physical activity.
What a great accomplishment to Collin and his school. I think we can catch him tonight (Thursday) on KOHD. Great job Collin, and thanks for being such a great inspiration to the entire box! (*Collin: I hope I got all the information correct, my source gave me all the info that they could, I researched the rest. Great Job!…Carrie)
WOD: 16 Mins of work of total time, each individual works for 8 mins, and both partners need to be able to use one bar; one partner works at a time, the other partner has to complete 20 jump rope singles. One minute for each partner on each of the following exercises, Dead-lift, Power clean, Push Press, Back-Squat, go thru this cycle twice.
Play: 50 Power Swings
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
WOD: Tabata bottom to bottom squats” then 800/1000m run or row, then 20 KB or DB Push-ups, 20 Squat Thrusts, 20 Sit-ups. Everybody starts at Tabata, and then you can either do the 3 set of 20 or run/row first and do the 3 sets of 20 after. Challenge: L-sits 2 mins of total time break up as necessary
Play: 40 One arm Russian swings, 20 each arm, for time switching hands each time.
Gymnastic WOD:2 Rounds, 5 skin the cats, 5 L-sit pullups(scale dead hang) 5 toes to bar, 5 dips
Challenge: 100 d/u’s
Play: Handstand work
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
WOD: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:
Supine Ring Pull-ups
Seated Med Ball Sit- Up Throws – 20 lbs(so do a sit-up then throw the ball. Run to the ball. Grab it and repeat)
20 yard Farmer’s Walk (KB or DB) – As Heavy As Possible
Challenge: 5×3 Back -Squat
Play: 100 Jumping Lunges
KB Class: 5 Rounds for time:
6 Kb Cleans
3 Kb Front Squats
1 kb Press
Challenge: KB bottoms up clean
Play: KB Pushups
Supine Ring Pull-ups
Seated Med Ball Sit- Up Throws – 20 lbs(so do a sit-up then throw the ball. Run to the ball. Grab it and repeat)
20 yard Farmer’s Walk (KB or DB) – As Heavy As Possible
Challenge: 5×3 Back -Squat
Play: 100 Jumping Lunges
KB Class: 5 Rounds for time:
6 Kb Cleans
3 Kb Front Squats
1 kb Press
Challenge: KB bottoms up clean
Play: KB Pushups
Monday, January 10, 2011
THANKS to all the CF’ers who came to the dual challenge on Saturday.
The challenge final will be on Feb.26th.
Reminder to all students, you have the remainder of the week to join
the ‘Body Transformation Challenge’ The cost
is $10 to enter (all $ goes to a pool for the overallprize ).
Schedule an appointment with Trav to get your measurements
taken, pictures are optional:) Again….this challenge final will be
on Feb 26th.
WOD: “Nate”
20 Min Amrap, 2 Muscle ups, 4 HSPU, 8 2 pood KB swings
Challenge: Split Jerk 7×1
Play: Fundamental Work
Gymnastic WOD: 50 p-bar dips, 50 p-bar push ups
Challenge: 25 Kipping swings, 25 Knee Tucks
Play: 100 jump ropesingles , 50 Mtn Climbers, 75 singles, 25 squat thrusts.
The challenge final will be on Feb.26th.
Reminder to all students, you have the remainder of the week to join
the ‘Body Transformation Challenge’ The cost
is $10 to enter (all $ goes to a pool for the overall
Schedule an appointment with Trav to get your measurements
taken, pictures are optional:) Again….this challenge final will be
on Feb 26th.
WOD: “Nate”
20 Min Amrap, 2 Muscle ups, 4 HSPU, 8 2 pood KB swings
Challenge: Split Jerk 7×1
Play: Fundamental Work
Gymnastic WOD: 50 p-bar dips, 50 p-bar push ups
Challenge: 25 Kipping swings, 25 Knee Tucks
Play: 100 jump rope
Saturday, January 8, 2011
First Challenge Of The Year!
Join Oregon CrossFit on January 8th for 2011 challenges.Challenge WOD starts at 9, open to the community.
-WOD will be posted on day of challenge.
-6 week challenge.
-This is open to all levels, WOD will be scalable to each student.
-Invite friends, relativesco-workers .
-There will be a male/female winner
determined by the % of change over the 6 weeks.
Body Transformation/Paleo challenge
-Special guest speaker on setting and accomplishing goals.
(This is not only for the Body Transformation challenge but for any
resolution you may want to set for yourself)
-$10 entry, this will be accumulated and the total will be given to the
over all male/female winners.
-Winners will be determined by:
percentage of fat loss &
Measurements(gain or loss)
-ALL MEASUREMENTS will be conducted by Travis to assure consistency.
-Pictures will be taken, they will not be used to determine winners.
(these pics are for you to see the 6 week change)
-Upon entry you will receive (via email) a reference guide, including recipes and
foods to enjoy as well as foods to avoid.
-Special guest throughout the 6 weeks to help with goals.
-Pictures and measurements can be taken starting on Monday Jan 3rd,
but all entries must be in by Saturday Jan, 8th.
What: 1st 2011 Challenge WOD/Body Transformation Challenge
When: Saturday January 8th, 2011
Challenge WOD starts at 9 (be there at 8:30 to warm up)
Body Transformation/ Goals lecture starts at 10:15
Where: Oregon CrossFit
Questions: See a coach or email
Join us for a great start to 2011!!
-WOD will be posted on day of challenge.
-6 week challenge.
-This is open to all levels, WOD will be scalable to each student.
-Invite friends, relatives
-There will be a male/female winner
determined by the % of change over the 6 weeks.
Body Transformation/Paleo challenge
-Special guest speaker on setting and accomplishing goals.
(This is not only for the Body Transformation challenge but for any
resolution you may want to set for yourself)
-$10 entry, this will be accumulated and the total will be given to the
over all male/female winners.
-Winners will be determined by:
percentage of fat loss &
Measurements(gain or loss)
-ALL MEASUREMENTS will be conducted by Travis to assure consistency.
-Pictures will be taken, they will not be used to determine winners.
(these pics are for you to see the 6 week change)
-Upon entry you will receive (via email) a reference guide, including recipes and
foods to enjoy as well as foods to avoid.
-Special guest throughout the 6 weeks to help with goals.
-Pictures and measurements can be taken starting on Monday Jan 3rd,
but all entries must be in by Saturday Jan, 8th.
What: 1st 2011 Challenge WOD/Body Transformation Challenge
When: Saturday January 8th, 2011
Challenge WOD starts at 9 (be there at 8:30 to warm up)
Body Transformation/ Goals lecture starts at 10:15
Where: Oregon CrossFit
Questions: See a coach or email
Join us for a great start to 2011!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Friday is GOOD!
January 18, 2011 come down to Astro Lounge in downtown Bend and join fellow Oregon CrossFitters for a fun night outside of the Box! Every Tuesday Astro Lounge has trivia night starting at 7:30 so show up and participate on a team or just say hello and share in the fun. The more the merrier!
WOD: 21-15-9
KB or DB thrusters, Ring pull ups, after you finish row or run 500/400m
Challenge: 25 Strict Knees to elbows for work not time
Play: Max American Swings in 2 mins
WOD: 21-15-9
KB or DB thrusters, Ring pull ups, after you finish row or run 500/400m
Challenge: 25 Strict Knees to elbows for work not time
Play: Max American Swings in 2 mins
Thursday, January 6, 2011
WOD: “Grace”
30 reps of clean and Jerk
Challenge: Tabata sit-ups then Tabata hollow rocks
Play: Muscle up progressions
KB WOD: 30 Clean and Jerks with KB
Challenge: 50 Seesaw Presses
Play: Farmers walk
30 reps of clean and Jerk
Challenge: Tabata sit-ups then Tabata hollow rocks
Play: Muscle up progressions
KB WOD: 30 Clean and Jerks with KB
Challenge: 50 Seesaw Presses
Play: Farmers walk
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Team Work
WOD: In teams of two row 2000m in 500m segments. While one partner rows the other partner hold a wall ball overhead. If you drop the ball it’s a penalty. After you finish the wod, total the penalties for your team. 1 Penalty= 5 box jumps for each team member. Score is total time + how many penalties you incur. The penalties aren’t timed.
Challenge: 5×3 dead- lift
Play : 5 Min Amrap 10 P-bar push ups, 20 Flutter kicks
Gymnastic WOD: 5 Rounds, 5 Broad Jumps, 5 Pushups
Challenge: 50 V- Ups
Play: Knee Tuck Hold either from the bar or on P-bar
Challenge: 5×3 dead- lift
Gymnastic WOD: 5 Rounds, 5 Broad Jumps, 5 Pushups
Challenge: 50 V- Ups
Play: Knee Tuck Hold either from the bar or on P-bar
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Join Oregon CrossFit on January 8th for 2011 challenges.
Join Oregon CrossFit on January 8th for 2011 challenges.
Challenge WOD starts at 9, open to the community.
-WOD will be posted on day of challenge.
-6 week challenge.
-This is open to all levels, WOD will be scalable to each student.
-Invite friends, relatives co-workers.
-There will be a male/female winner
determined by the % of change over the 6 weeks.
Body Transformation/Paleo challenge
-Special guest speaker on setting and accomplishing goals.
(This is not only for the Body Transformation challenge but for any
resolution you may want to set for yourself)
-$10 entry, this will be accumulated and the total will be given to the
over all male/female winners.
-Winners will be determined by:
percentage of fat loss &
Measurements(gain or loss)
-ALL MEASUREMENTS will be conducted by Travis to assure consistency.
-Pictures will be taken, they will not be used to determine winners.
(these pics are for you to see the 6 week change)
-Upon entry you will receive (via email) a reference guide, including recipes and
foods to enjoy as well as foods to avoid.
-Special guest throughout the 6 weeks to help with goals.
-Pictures and measurements can be taken starting on Monday Jan 3rd,
but all entries must be in by Saturday Jan, 8th.
What: 1st 2011 Challenge WOD/Body Transformation Challenge
When: Saturday January 8th, 2011
Challenge WOD starts at 9 (be there at 8:30 to warm up)
Body Transformation/ Goals lecture starts at 10:15
Where: Oregon CrossFit
Questions: See a coach or email
Join us for a great start to 2011!!
WOD: 7 Rounds for timeChallenge WOD starts at 9, open to the community.
-WOD will be posted on day of challenge.
-6 week challenge.
-This is open to all levels, WOD will be scalable to each student.
-Invite friends, relatives co-workers.
-There will be a male/female winner
determined by the % of change over the 6 weeks.
Body Transformation/Paleo challenge
-Special guest speaker on setting and accomplishing goals.
(This is not only for the Body Transformation challenge but for any
resolution you may want to set for yourself)
-$10 entry, this will be accumulated and the total will be given to the
over all male/female winners.
-Winners will be determined by:
percentage of fat loss &
Measurements(gain or loss)
-ALL MEASUREMENTS will be conducted by Travis to assure consistency.
-Pictures will be taken, they will not be used to determine winners.
(these pics are for you to see the 6 week change)
-Upon entry you will receive (via email) a reference guide, including recipes and
foods to enjoy as well as foods to avoid.
-Special guest throughout the 6 weeks to help with goals.
-Pictures and measurements can be taken starting on Monday Jan 3rd,
but all entries must be in by Saturday Jan, 8th.
What: 1st 2011 Challenge WOD/Body Transformation Challenge
When: Saturday January 8th, 2011
Challenge WOD starts at 9 (be there at 8:30 to warm up)
Body Transformation/ Goals lecture starts at 10:15
Where: Oregon CrossFit
Questions: See a coach or email
Join us for a great start to 2011!!
3 Front Squats, 7 L Pull-ups
Challenge: Coaches Choice
Play: Tabata squats
KB Class: 3 Rounds
1000m Row, then 10 KB Snatches, 5 each arm
Challenge: 5×5 Power swings
Play: KB sit-ups
Monday, January 3, 2011
First Monday Of The Year :)
The gymnastic and KB classes are now at 8:00am and 5:00pm. If you do not sign up for class you will have a burpee penalty, no exceptions. So please continue to sign up for classes.
WOD: As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
7 Dumbbell Hang Cleans or KB Cleans
7 Push Ups
250 Meter Row
Challenge: 25 Man-Makers
Play: Handstand Walk practice
Gymnastic WOD: 25 Windshield wipers, 25 Hollow Rocks, 25 Knees to elbows, 25 Sit-ups
Challenge: 50 Burpees for time
Play: Planche push
WOD: As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
7 Dumbbell Hang Cleans or KB Cleans
7 Push Ups
250 Meter Row
Challenge: 25 Man-Makers
Play: Handstand Walk practice
Gymnastic WOD: 25 Windshield wipers, 25 Hollow Rocks, 25 Knees to elbows, 25 Sit-ups
Challenge: 50 Burpees for time
Play: Planche push
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