Monday, July 11, 2011



Heavy Fran
WOD: “Running Heavy Fran” 12 Thrusters 135/95, 12 Pull-ups,
run 800m, 9 Thrusters, 9 Pull ups, Run 650m, 6 Thrusters, 6 Pull ups, run 400m
Challenge: Tabata lateral hops(use p-bars or your bar for
the workout)
Play: stretch
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WOD: 2 Rounds of max HSPU rest 90 seconds between attempts,
then 2 Rounds of max rep front squat 155/105, bear crawl the length of building
after each front squat
Challenge: Coaches Choice
Play: Stretch
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WOD: 30-25-20-15, of burpees, Lunges, T2B run 1200m after to
stop clock
Challenge: Max D/us in 2 mins, rest 2 mins then repeat
Play: Stretch
WOD: 3 Rounds, 10 Hang squat cleans 135/95, 20 Box Jump
Challenge: 250m waiters walk
Play: Stretch/ or optional work 3×10 shoulder press
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WOD: 3 Rounds 400m run 50/35 Push Ups. The 35 push ups are
for women.  Got this WOD from Crossfit
Challenge: 2 min max sit ups, 2 min max K2E
Play: 250m Max weight Overhead carry

dWOD: 21 DL @225/185#, 50 air squats, 21 Push Press@ 135/95#
15 DL, 50 air squats, 15 Push Press, 9 DL, 50 Air squats, 9 Push Press
Challenge: MAX EFFORT 500m ROW
Play: Fundamental

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Monday, July 4, 2011


NO CLASS TODAY MONDAY July 4th…… Enjoy the day with your friends and family…..

30 of a few things

Reminder no class on Monday, July 4th….
WOD: 30 Push Press 65/45, 30 Ring Dip, 30 box jumps, Run
800m, 30 goblet squats, 30 Russian swings, 30 Burpees ( start at either the top
or the bottom)
Challenge: skin the cat work
Play: Fundamentals
Crossfit Bend Oregon


Coaches Choice for the wod…… Reminder no class on MONDAY July 4th.
Crossfit Bend Oregon

6 rounds

WOD: 6 Rounds, 15 SDLHP 95/65 15 abmat sit- ups
Challenge: elevated foot planks (partners or weights can be
used to elevate the feet) 1 Max effort, then 2 minutes total time in an
elevated plank
Play: stretch
Oregon Crossfit will be closed on Monday July 4th.
Crossfit Bend Oregon

7 rounds of 1 and 35

WOD: For time and weight, 7 rounds, 1 Power clean, and 35
Challenge: 12 mins to work on any gymnastic movement, M/U,
Skin the cat, Planche Push up, HSPU, rope climb, t2b, k2e, whatever you want.
Play: Stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon

100 wall balls then 100 DL’s

Please register for Fight Gone Bad 6 here I laid down the challenge, 100 people registered by August 28th for Team Oregon Crossfit and I will do 100 burpee tire flips.  Anybody can register friends, family, whatever just get to 100 people and I will pay up.
Also Oregon Crossfit will be hosting the Oregon Summer Games August 27th and 28th.  We are really excited about this event and are working hard already trying to secure an outdoor location.  Registration will open next week.  If you are not interested in competing but would like to volunteer/judge please email me @  The more help the better.  Thanks.
WOD: 100 Wall balls, then 100 Med Ball Deadlifts
Challenge: 5×3 Deadlift
Play: Fundamental/stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon

a few lunges

WOD: 400m walking lunges (scale up by doing 5 push ups every 5 steps)
Challenge: 3×5 Shoulder Press
Play: not enough time

Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, June 27, 2011

Wods and some more Wods

WOD: 21-15-9 Burpees, KB/DB Deadlift, and KB/DB Push Press
Challenge: 1 min on each hand of 1 arm KB Swings. Rest 1 min
and repeat.
Play: Stretch
Don’t be lazy like Amos, get your butts

WOD: 3 rounds, 10 OH Squats 95/65, 20 Power cleans 95/66
Challenge: 3 minutes of total time in an L-sit, Knee
tuck.  12 minutes to complete task.
Play: Stretch

WOD: 20 Min Amrap, Run 400m, 7 m/u (scale muscle ups, by doing progressions)
Challenge: 50 Box jumps for time
Play: Tabata Lunge(scale up by doing jumping lunges)

WOD:  12 min AMRAP, 5 Thrusters 95/65, 10 D/u, 5 Burpees
5 mins rest(stretch)
WOD2: Perform on the minute every minute 2 Dead Hang Pull
up, 5 T2b for 20 Mins

WOD: “Schmalls” Run 800m, 2 Rounds of 50 Burpees, 40
Pull-ups, 30 Pistols, 20 KB Swings 1.5/1 pood, 10 HSPU, and then Run final 800m
Please join us in honoring GySgt Justin Schmalstieg (KIA Dec 15, 2010), he was a student at Oceanside Crossfit.
Here is a video:
WOD: 10-1 Ring Push-up, and dead lifts 185/135
Challenge: Coaches Choice
Play: Coaches Choice

WOD: “Mary” Amrap 20mins 5 HSPU, 10 Pistols (alternate
legs), 15 Pull-ups
Challenge: 3×3 Front-squat
Play: Fundamentals/stretch

Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, June 20, 2011


WOD: “Barbara” 5 rounds of: 20 Pull-ups, 30 Push ups, 40
sit-ups, and 50 air Squats Time Limit: 30 Mins
Challenge: 3×3 DL
Play: Fundamental/stretching
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Heavy work

 WOD: 4 Rounds of 4 Reps for max weight(weight can be changed between reps) Back squat, Pull-up, 4 Turkish Get-ups(2 each hand). Not for time.
Challenge: Skin the cat/Back lever, Front Lever Practice
Play: Fundamentals/stretch
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12 min amrap Power Cleans/HSPU

WOD: 12 min amrap 5 Power cleans 155/105, 10 HSPU
Challenge: 25 windshield wipers, 25 of either toes 2 bar or knees 2 elbows. (Strict Form no kipping, not for time, break up reps as necessary)
Play: 4×10 KB Power Swing
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WOD: 20 Calorie row, 30 Burpees, 40 Ground to overhead 95/65, 50 Toes 2 bar, 100Ft Walking lunge 45/35, 100ft sprint (go from the line to left of the building if facing it for the walking lunges drop the weight and sprint back)
Challenge: coach’s choice
Play: Fundamental/stretch
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WOD: “EVA” Five rounds for time, Run 800m, 2/1.5 Pood KB Swing 30x, 30 Pull-Ups Time-cap of 45mins
Challenge: Fundamental
Play: Not enough time
Picture courtesy of
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5 rounds, 2 on 1 off

 WOD: 2 Min on, 1 min off for 5 rounds SDLHP 95/65, and Power Cleans. Use one minute for Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and the other minute for power cleans. Score is max reps completed.
Challenge: 100 D/u, then 50 Push ups
Play: Work on a weakness for 10 mins
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Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, June 13, 2011


WOD: 21-15-9 Deadlift 315/205 and box jumps 30/24”(stack plates on boxes to get to 30″)
Scale the DL if necessary but make sure it is heavy.
Challenge: 3×5 Push Jerk or Split Jerk
Play: Fundamental work
Intro to Oregon Crossfit class tonight at 7:30. If you have been thinking about getting back in shape this is the perfect time to come and see what we do here at the O.C. Click on this link and sign up for your free intro class.

Crossfit Bend Oregon

Last week WODS

 WOD: “Amanda” 9-7-5 of squat-snatch 135/95 and m/u (scale m/u by doing progression or by 3x pullups and dips)
Challenge: Tabata box jumps
Play: Fundamental/stretch

 WOD: Max thruster, 1 rep every minute for at least 10 mins. Start from the ground for every rep, must complete 10 thrusters.
Challenge: Tabata Burpees
Play: Max Handstand hold
Its about that time of the year where we make that goodwill donation….. IF any of this stuff that has been hanging up here for months is yours please come and claim it.  By the end of next week it will be gone.  : )

WOD: 100 Med -ball squat cleans
Challenge: 3×3 Power Clean(GO HEAVY)
Play: Fundamentals/stretch

WOD: “Nancy” 5 Rounds, 400m Run, 15 OH-squat 95/65
Challenge:   Max 2 min sit-ups, Max 2 min push ups
Play: Fundamental/Stretch

WOD: Max Pull ups, then 2 rounds 25 Mtn Climbers, 25 Lunge Steps
Challenge: 3×3 Power Snatch
Play: Tabata Med ball DL

Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, June 6, 2011


Sunny Central Oregon will be here soon! What are you doing for your body to be able to wear that swim suit you always wanted or for guys to be able to take your shirt off with confidence? Make a change for yourself this year you deserve it. Sign up for a free intro class and come see what we can do for you.

Teamwork, bring long socks

Monday, June 6

WOD: In teams of 4-6(2 people each station, 6 mins each stations, on the row station if you get done faster than 6 mins you can add to your score by doing either push-ups or air squats. Only 1 teammate can work at a time) Push-ups, Rope Climb/2000m row/Air squats.(if you can’t climb the rope scale by doing pull ups)
Challenge: Max Back squat 7X1
Play: fundamental work/stretch
Bend Oregon Crossfit

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

10 Stations

Wednesday, June 1

 WOD: 1 min at each station, start anywhere, no transition time, back extension, push up, air squat, pull-ups, deadlift 135/95, jumping lunges, box jumps(step ups) 20”, sit ups, Knees to elbows, Mtn Climbers
Challenge: Max plank- hold (no weight)
Play: Fundamentals
Bend Oregon Crossfit

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Regional WOD 1

Tuesday, May 31st

WOD: Run 1000m, 30 HSPU, row 1000m  (run 100m past the 800m mark or run 3x around the building.  Use plates for elevation on the HSPU, use a black mat between the plates for depth check, scale HSPU by using a box or use a band)
Challenge: 3 Rounds 20 sit ups, 15 super man, 10 V-ups
Play: stretch
Nice job to everybody who completed “Murph” yesterday.  Very impressed with the performance put on by Collin who completed the wod with a 40# pack.
Also thank you to everybody who sent me WOD ideas for this month, I did my best to include everything in one form or fashion.
Bend Oregon Crossfit

Thursday, May 26, 2011

2 mins on 2mins off

Thursday, May 26

WOD: max reps push ups in 2 mins, rest 2 mins, 2 mins of max wall balls 20/15, rest 2 mins, 2 mins max row for calories.  Add for total.  Start anywhere
Challenge: 3×10 Hang Cleans
Play: Stretch
Bend Oregon Crossfit

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Floor Press/ring pull ups

Wednesday, May 25

WOD: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Floor Press, Supine ring pull-ups(use either kb or db)
Challenge: 2 rounds, 20 Frog jumps, 10 toes 2 bar
Play: stretch
Bend Oregon Crossfit

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Body Work

Tuesday, May 24

WOD: 30 Shoot thru, 60 sit-ups, 90 Double-under, 60 air squats, 30 burpees
Challenge: Find 3 rep max of OH Squat
Play: Stretch
Bend Oregon Crossfit

Monday, May 23, 2011


Monday, May 23

WOD: “Hammer” 5 rounds, 5 Power cleans 135/95, 10 Front Squat, 5 Push press/jerk, 20 Pull-ups rest 90 Seconds
Challenge: fundamentals
Play: time permitting stretch
Let us know what kind of schedule you guys want for this weekend and Monday.  If there is enough interest we will make sure there is some class times available.
Bend Oregon Crossfit

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Wednesday, May 18

WOD: “Nasty Girls” 3 Rounds, 50 Air Squats, 7 Muscle Ups (scale by doing progressions), 10 Hang power cleans 135/95
Challenge: 400m run for time/or get that squat clean max that we skipped last week.
Play: stretch/fundamental work
The orginal girls doing the wod
Bend Oregon Crossfit

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Tuesday, May 17

WOD: 12 min amrap, 400m run/500m row, 12x body weight back squat, rest 5 mins (stretch)
WOD2: 12-9-6 body weight deadlift and ring dips
Play: Fundamental/stretch
ALSO OREGON CROSSFIT BBQ on Friday May 20th.  Bring something to throw on the bbq or a side dish.  More the merrier and all are welcome.  I also hear some talk about a beer mile going to happen.  : )
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, May 16, 2011

“Fight Gone Bad”

Monday, May 16

WOD: “Fight Gone BAD” 3 Rounds, 1 minute at of each of the following stations: wall balls 20/15, sumo deadlift high pull 75/55, box jumps 20”, Push Press 75/55, row calories (depending on the class we can do this in two groups and have counters for everybody)
Challenge: Fundamentals
Play: Stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Skinny Fat or Crossfit Body
Disclaimer: I have been getting a ton of questions about this topic from both inside and outside the gym, from lots of different people, so this isn't directed at anyone in particular.  Although, if this topic resonates with you, take the time to read it.  This post is more a psychological approach.
Crossfit Bend Oregon

My Journey into CrossFit.

Wednesday, May 11

WOD: 10 min amrap, 10 goblet squats, 15 kb swings (Russian), 5 sit ups.  RX’d weight is 2/1.5 pd
Challenge: 1 rep max weighted pull-up, or as many dead-hang pull-ups in a row.  Everybody complete at least 10 dead hang-pull-ups.
Play: 2 min max air squat
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sean Day!

Tuesday, May 10

Today is Sean Day! Don’t forget to comment on what movement you would like to see Sean do. :)

Strong Like Bull!

WOD:  3 Rounds, 50 Double unders, 10 body weight  front squats, 21 Burpees
Challenge: 1 mile run
Play: stretch

Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, May 2, 2011

May is here!

WOD: “Mini Cindy” 10 min AMRAP 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push ups, 15 air squats
Challenge: Max double unders in 2 mins.
Play: 2×12 Back squats (your 12 reps should be a struggle, push yourselves)
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

a few cleans

Tuesday, April 19

WOD: Progressive cleans power/squat, 1 the 1st min, 2 the 2nd min, 3 the 3rd min…. and so on 135/95
Challenge: 100 Hollow Rocks for work not time…. concentrate on form
Play: stretch
Crossfit Bend  Oregon

Monday, April 18, 2011

Team fun with a deck of cards

Monday, April 18

WOD: Teams of 2: Two teams share 1 deck of cards and complete these four movements, Joker-400m run, Hearts-Push ups, Diamonds-Air Squats, Spades-Burpees, Clubs-Pull-ups 
Challenge: 5 mins for max handstand pushups, or Handstand walks
Play: Stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Tuesday, April 12

WOD: 100 ground to overhead passing thru a squat. 75/55. Most efficient way is to squat-clean to thruster, or a squat snatch.  I m not doing this to be mean I had it programmed before the sectionals wod from last week came out.  Should feel really light compared to that though.
Challenge: 50 Leg-ups, 25 Sit ups, 50 superman, 25 V- up, 50 sit ups
Play: speed ladder
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Crossfit Sectional WOD 3

Wednesday, April 6

WOD: WEEK 3 Crossfit Open WOD, 5 minutes, 165/110 of squat clean to overhead.  Here are the standards….
Challenge: 3 rounds, 20 Hollow Rock, 20 Sit ups, 20 supermans, 20 second L-sit.
Play: mobility work on hips, shoulders
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Tuesday, April 5

WOD: 3 Rounds, 1 min max reps Supine Ring Pull up, 1 min rest, 1 min OH Lunges 45/25, rest 1 min.
Challenge: Max plank hold (no weight)
Play: Partner 4x250m, rest as your partner rows.
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, April 4, 2011


Monday, April 4

WOD: “ANGIE” 100 of each, pull-ups, pushups, sit-ups, air squats.  Scale appropriately. Games competitors cut in half.  New students talk to a coach about the appropriate level of work. 25 min cap
Challenge: 3×5 DL
Play: shoulder stretches
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crossfit OPEN sectional WOD #2

Thursday, March 31

WOD: 15 min amrap, 9 Deadlift 155/100, 12 Push-ups(hand release at bottom), 15 box jump 24/20″
Challenge: those not competing in the open do 3 rounds 5 wall balls, 15 air squats, 30 Mtn climbers.  If you are competing do a round or so but at just a decent pace.  Gotta break a sweat before the wod but not be tired or have muscle fatigue.
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Tuesday, March 29

 WOD: 50 burpees box jumps, then complete 1,2,3,4, 5 kb/db thrusters and deadlifts(use the same weight for the thrusters and dl)
 Challenge: fundamental work
 Play: Tabata sit ups
Corssfit Bend Oregon

Monday, March 28, 2011

Toes thru ring

 WOD: 50 toes thru ring(scale to t2b or leg raises on the bar), then 20-10 of push ups, back squat 95/65
Challenge: stretch
 Play: pull up ladder start at 1 get as high as you can( the whole class can take turns or in small groups)
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A lil Tabata work

Wednesday, March 23

 WOD: Tabata mix up, push-ups, pull-ups, flutter kicks, burpees
 Challenge: row 500 m rest the time it takes to completes 500 then repeat
 Play: stretch
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

a lil running

Tuesday, March 22

 WOD: 21 thrusters, 250m run, 15 front-squat, 250m run, 9 push press run, 250m  95/65
 Challenge: Tabata sit ups
 Play: Pistol work, go for 50 reps total
Crossfit Bend Oregon

Monday, March 21, 2011

“Power Clean”

Monday, March 21

 WOD: repeat 6 times 3 min amrap 3 power cleans, 6 push ups, 9 air squats, on odd rounds complete ring dips instead of push ups.  If the class is too big have half the class complete ring dips on even rounds. Rest 1 min between rounds
Challenge: Turkish get-ups 3×5
Play: stretch
Crossfit in Bend Oregon

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top 10 Men

Oregon Crossfit claming the #1 spot after day 1. :)
Rob Durfee  Oregon Crossfit
1 (409)
Completed Rounds9Double-Unders4Power snatches0
2 (392)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders30Power snatches2
3 (391)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders30Power snatches1
3 (391)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders30Power snatches1
5 (388)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders28Power snatches0
6 (380)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders20Power snatches0
7 (378)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders18Power snatches0
8 (370)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders10Power snatches0
9 (369)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders9Power snatches0
10 (367)
Completed Rounds8Double-Unders7Power snatches0